First Newsletter!

So here it is, the very first newsletter from PlasticFreeSupermarket. Thanks for subscribing. As we are just starting, I need all the help I can get. Your feedback is greatly appreciated! Let’s get stuck in! Today, we are covering the following topics, related to removing plastics from supermarkets:

  • What’s working well
  • What’s not working so well
  • Products we are trying
  • What we are listening too
  • Up Next…

What’s working well

We are seeing so many exciting new brands enter the market, that are focused on products that do not rely on plastic packaging, or contain any plastics in the products themselves. Some have been around for a while, while others are new. We will be testing products over the next few months.

If there are any brands you think we should be aware of, please let us know by reply email!

What’s not working so well

While we have all been encouraged to purchase reusable bags at supermarkets, and the “free” single-use plastic bags at the checkout are a thing of the past, we are now bringing more plastic packaging home than EVER.

  • Plastic Packaging is increasing in our supermarkets, not decreasing.
  • Optimistic recycling rates are at just under 10% of plastics being recycled globally. That is simply not sustainable.
  • Supermarkets have prioritised reducing “food waste” by increasing plastic packaging for fresh produce.
    -​The Collapse of REDCycle soft plastic recycling program. Check out this article for more info​

While we will talk about many of these problems over the coming months, we are focused on removing plastic from your grocery basket for good!

Products we are trying

WhoGivesACrap is a great company that is doing its bit to remove plastic, with a direct-to-consumer model. My sisters have been purchasing from them for years. I have finally taken the plunge (pun intended) this week. Check them out for yourself ​here to get $10 bucks off your first purchase​.

LucentGlobal is another new player in the detergent space. They have created some detergent “Sheets” which I am currently trialling. So far so good. Very satisfied.​ Check their laundry and dishwashing sheets out here.. If you are still on the fence but would like to try some, reply via email and I will post you some samples!

What we are listening too

​Turning the Tide on Plastic, by Lucy Siegle​

Lucy’s story about her father’s loathing for plastic is heart-warming, but also horrifying. To think that back in the 70s, we already knew the problems that plastic would bring.

Check it out at

Reframing History: The Litter Myth

If you are into Podcasts, here is a real mind-bender of a podcast on the history of Litter. Thanks for the link, Amy. Here are links to the episode on ​Spotify​​ and Apple​.

Up Next…

In next week’s newsletter, we will share a nice surprise that was found this week at one of the leading supermarkets here in Australia. We will do some more digging and share this new brand with you.

Also, my son and I will attempt to create a plastic-free lolly bag for birthday parties. We will share our loot with you next week!

Why PlasticFreeSupermarket

Plastic is a non-negotiable here at We don’t want the burden of conscious consumption, to be picked up by the consumer. We also want plastic-free to be a way of life for all humanity, not just for Instagram influencers. We need plastic-free solutions in our supermarkets that scale ALL of humanity.

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